The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL)
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley is accredited by The Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL). CQL is a gold-standard organization that partners with agencies like The Arc Greater Hudson Valley to aid in developing and maintaining quality services and supports. CQL “Accreditation provides organizations with a proven framework for quality enhancement to improve the lives of people with disabilities.” The Arc Greater Hudson Valley seeks to provide the highest quality services to the people we support. Partnering with CQL gives us access to a group of seasoned professionals as well as tools and information that we use to assess how we are doing at providing person-centered, individualized supports. We collect informative data that help us determine how we can provide better supports and improve what we do in all areas and programs. We strive to meet CQL’s high standards every day, in all that we do.
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley utilizes CQL’s Personal Outcome Measures®, a tool developed by CQL. People who receive supports and other professionals in the field. This tool allows us to determine how the people we support feel about their services by speaking directly to them about important issues, such as health, safety, relationships, choices, rights, goals and dreams. This is done through interviews that are done by employees trained to do so. This gives the people we support an opportunity to give voice to their own perspective so that we can improve their services according to their own preferences and desires. The resulting determinations are then used to make changes and create new possibilities and opportunities for people supported.
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley also assesses services by using another tool developed by CQL, the Basic Assurances®. This tool helps us to measure, evaluate, and improve the services that we provide by quantifying data we collect around rights, health, personal continuity and security, natural supports, safety, and several other areas of importance. A Self-assessment is completed and reviewed by CQL, and opportunities to improve our services are explored, thus creating a more qualitative platform from which we offer services.
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley aims to continually enhance and improve services. In keeping with this endeavor, we will continue to collaborate with The Council on Quality and Leadership.
If you would like more information please reach out to Vickie Diescher, Director of Person-Centered Supports at 845-796-1350 ext. 15308 or vdiescher@arcghvny.org.
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