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Our Top Priority For The 2025-26 Budget for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD).

A 7.8% Medicaid rate increase to stabilize the system of care for New Yorkers with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Tell NYS Legislators: Invest in the Entire System of Supports for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

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We need your support! We are calling on state leaders to include the following requests in the 2025-26 New York State Budget:

  • investment in I/DD services through a 7.8% Medicaid rate increase to proactively invest in non-profit provider agencies. A 2.1% Targeted Inflationary Increase (TII) was included within the Governor's Executive Budget, but we need you to make up the difference.
  • Creation of a Wage Commission to examine the roles and responsibilities of human service workers and establish fair, sustainable compensation standards commensurate with that work.
  • Move the responsibility and authority for rate setting back to OPWDD to ensure appropriate and timely funding
  • Enhanced Capital Funding to help agencies modernize their operations, making them more energy-efficient and in alignment with the state’s climate goals.
Preserve Medicaid Funding: Sustain and Expand Funding Supports for People with Disabilities

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We are calling on Congress to:

  • Increase the FMAP for New York state by 10 percentage points. This is in line with the proposal advanced through the Better Care Better Jobs Act. (H.R. 547/S. 100)
  • Include an additional and ongoing sustainability investments comparable to the workforce funds received through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), closing the historic funding gap and preventing a fiscal cliff at the end of the funding period.
  • Raise SSI asset limits from $2,000 to $10,000 for individuals and from $3,000 to $20,000 for married couples and indexes them to inflation moving forward. (S.2767/H.R.5408)