Sibshop is a dynamic program based on the award-winning program developed by Don Meyer. We focus on the siblings of persons diagnosed with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Our objective is to provide opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with special needs to obtain peer support and education within a recreational environment. Our siblings participate in both community and site-based activities that encourage sharing, laughter, and FUN!!
Our Sibs are aged 5-21 and we meet on Saturdays. And there is no charge for participation or activities. Our activities are relaxed, thought-provoking, fun, and sometimes messy. This is an excellent venue for Sibs to share what it means to live with a family member with special needs. Who better to hear from than the experts on living with a sibling with a disability? We share how others handle situations commonly experienced by siblings of children with special needs. We talk about the good times, the challenging times, the embarrassing times, and the prideful times. We have an educational component that teaches more about the implications of disabilities as well as learn to see things from their sibling’s perspective.
We would love to share this experience with more children who are Sibs. We would love for your family to join us at Sibshop. For additional information contact (845) 796-1350 x6118.
Sibshop Mailing Address
162 East Broadway
Monticello, NY 12701
Phone: 845-796-1350 x16118
Email: jpaynter@arcghvny.org