Click here for important guidance on Day Programs impacted by Covid-19 pandemic.
Click here for reopening plans for Dutchess County Day Programs

Guided by our values of respect and integrity, people in Sullivan, Orange, and Dutchess County with intellectual and developmental disabilities are able to receive support transitioning from public school education all the way to retirement. Led by our team of professionals, our Day Services programming is designed to support optimal health, self-care, and personal growth, while respecting each person’s unique strengths and contributions.
Day Services Program operates at 6 sites within Sullivan County: Monticello Day Services, Sullivan Industries Day Program, Rose Valley Senior Center, Fallsburg Day Services, Without Walls (WOW) Day Services, and Cimarron Day Services; 4 sites in Orange County: Campbell Hall, Middletown, Monroe and Chester; and 2 sites in Dutchess County: Poughkeepsie and Dover.
Day Services offer the following programs:
Pre-Academic/Environmental Awareness: Offers skills for daily living tailored for young adults through adulthood.
Senior Center: Provides social, recreational, and learning opportunities for persons 50 and older.
Sensory Stimulation: Helps to develop physical, mental, and emotional well-being through sensory responses in areas such as balance, strength, coordination, and self-awareness.
Day Habilitation: Empowers people with all types of developmental disabilities to discover ways to access and participate in their greater community. The program addresses issues that prevent people from true immersion in the community, such as social skills, hygiene, and behavioral skills. The program also has a general health and wellness component that addresses weight control, dietary needs, and stress reduction techniques.
Community Builders: Provides true community inclusion for the people we support in the community in which they live. The program started in 2010 as an innovative program for the people in our Day Habilitation program. Transportation is provided to and from the program which takes place throughout the Orange County community. While enjoying the many parks and attractions of the County, program participants also serve their communities by delivering Meals on Wheels to homebound citizens, collecting donations for pet shelters, and partnering with other civic groups to take part in voluntary activities. The program has also organized sessions at Orange County Community College and Mount St. Mary College.
Think Ahead: Offers college-aged students in Dutchess County the unique opportunity to participate in a collaborative learning experience offered by Dutchess Community College in partnership with Dutchess County’s ThinkDIFFERENTLY initiative. Students who complete this two-year program earn a certificate from DCC.
For more information on participating in our Day Programs in Sullivan, Orange, and Dutchess Counties
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley, Sullivan & Orange County Day Services Director: Colleen Borko
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley Dutchess County Day Services Director: Catherine Ottaviani