The Arc Greater Hudson Valley offers people with disabilities, as well as their families and caregivers, opportunities to refresh and rejuvenate on many evenings and weekends. Family members of people with disabilities can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their loved one is safe, happy, and having fun, and enjoy a temporary breather in their important role as primary caregivers. Eligible individuals reside with family or on their own in the community.
CSI Services provided by The Arc Greater Hudson Valley include:
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Available to Sullivan County individuals and families (only), our Family Support Services extend to children with a serious emotional disturbance:
IN-HOME RESPITE - Care provided to children either in their homes or in the community. These services provide families with much-needed free time and assist the individual in the development of new, healthy relationships.
OVERNIGHT RESPITE - Overnight care is provided in private homes by qualified, trained staff. These homes have a room solely designated for this purpose and the child does not room-share with the staff member. Children may receive up to fourteen nights of overnight respite each calendar year.

Our Dutchess County summer program supports young people between the ages of 14 and 21 who live at home with their families. The program operates Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm for 10 weeks from mid-June to late August. The focus of the summer program is to provide teens and young adults with a safe, fun environment where they can socialize with peers, develop new friendships, enhance skills, and engage in new experiences such as hiking, swimming, and exploring museums to name a few!
For more information, contact Catherine Ottaviani at 845-471-8876 x 22115
Our Dutchess County Rec & Teen Club is a member-driven social club for individuals with disabilities. We create both opportunities for our members to spread their wings and for families to communicate with other families to help share information and experiences – giving caregivers valuable resources and tools for the greater good.
CSI Mailing Address & Contact:
The Arc Greater Hudson Valley
162 East Broadway
Monticello, NY 12701